
Friday, 21 March 2014

Cyclone lusi

White capped waves slam onto the beach,. People stayed inside their home.A cyclone can rattled window

My next learning step is full stops and capital letters.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Using Our Key Competencies

In maths I am learning to manage my self so I can get on with my work and in literacy I am Learning  to be a great group member by sharing my ideas so I can be nice to people.

Using Our Key Competencies

In maths I am learning to manage my self so I can get on with my work and in literacy I am Learning  to be a great group member by sharing my ideas so I can be nice to people.

The picnic

Quickly we then made our way down to the beach to go for swim.
Jumped my friends and I into the water and spashed our teachers.
Under the summer sun kids giggled and laughed in the river.