
Friday, 28 February 2014

My favourite book lasers

The high power of a focused lasers can heat and melt materials such as steel and burn right through them.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


The morning the temperature was 12 degrees Celsius.
by12pm it had increased 7 degrees and now it's19 degrees Celsius.
By 6pm temperature then dropped 5 degrees and it's now 14 degrees Celsius.
Now at 8pm it has dropped 3 more degrees so the new temperature is 11 degrees Celsius.
The Equation what are the numbers
12+7-5 -3=11

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Math problem

 A the cost of stripisTwo happy face:) + and two sad face:(= 10c.b the cost of strip Three happy face:) + and three sad face:( =30c

Colour Poem

My colour is gold 
gold tastes like glitter
gold smells like nice 
gold sounds like ding
gold feels like metal 
gold looks like winning first place
gold is metal

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Word Game

Successfully, I passed a beehive without getting stung.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Welcome to 2014

My name is Deavay. I like my school. It's fun playing on the park. I like Point England School.
This is my work from year 2